
ATG Promotion

Welcome to Salem, Massachusetts!

Alternative Therapies Group (ATG), eastern Massachusetts’ first recreational cannabis dispensary is located just 1 mile from downtown Salem at 50 Grove Street. This location will open at 9:00 am on Saturday, December 15, 2018 by appointment to those who book in advance at atgma.comLearn more about recreational adult use marijuana in Massachusetts here.

We recommend parking in one of our downtown lots or garages during your visit, which are all within a 10-15 minute walk of attractions, shops, and restaurants, and about 1 mile away from ATG. Find complete information about parking in Salem here. Onsite parking at ATG is currently only available to registered patients and recreational customers with handicap plates.

Salem is also accessible via the MBTA Commuter Rail on the Newburyport/Rockport lines, which is about a 20-minute or 1 mile walk from ATG. Free shuttles will be running during ATG’s opening weekend (December 15-16, 2018) during regular business hours. Only those who confirm appointments with ATG will be able to board the shuttles.

Destination Salem, Salem Main Streets, and the Salem Chamber of Commerce have worked with local businesses to offer promotions for customers visiting ATG beginning this weekend. If you make a purchase from ATG, keep your postcard (given at checkout) to use for promotions listed below at local businesses. Post card promotions are valid through January 31, 2019.

Promotions with ATG postcards include:

Army Barracks
20% off any item in the store
234 Essex Street | ArmyBarracks.com

Bewitched in Salem
20% off ashtrays, dank tanks, incense, and burners.
180 Essex Street | Facebook.com/BewitchedinSalem

Black Cat Tours
10% discount on tours when booking online with promo code SALEM

Creative Collective
$5 off Collective Club Membership with code CANNABIS

Emporium 32
10% off purchase
6 Central Street | Emporium32.com

10% off purchase
Pickering Wharf, 98 Wharf Street | EnchantedofSalem.com

Happy Home
$4 off $20 purchase
Pickering Wharf, 63A Wharf Street | Happy Home on Facebook

The Happy Sunflower
$4 off $20 purchase
Pickering Wharf, 78 Wharf Street | TheHappySunflower.com

10% off in-store
144 Washington Street | HausWitchStore.com

The Hotel Salem
15% off your stay. Present postcard at check-in for discount. Present postcard at the Counter restaurant for a complimentary whoopie pie and hot cocoa.
209 Essex Street | TheHotelSalem.com

Kushco Bistro
10% off your order
128 Washington Street | KuschoBistro.co

Lobster Shanty
10% off (excluding alcohol)
25 Front Street | LobsterShantySalem.com

Mahi Harbor Cruises & Private Events
Book today and receive a FREE half hour for any private event for the 2019 Mahi Cruises season (May-September). Please call Allie at 978-825-0001 to book and or visit our website at MahiCruises.com.
Pickering Wharf, 24 Congress Street | MahiCruises.com

Moody Interiors
20% off one in-store item.
131 Essex Street | MoodyInteriors.com

Salem Center for Past Life Regression
10% discount-$25 off one Past Life Regression Session
2 Margin Street, #201 | PastLifeRegressionSalem.com

Salem Night Tour
$2 off ghost tour ticket. Call 978-741-1170 and mention the ATG discount to reserve a spot.
127 Essex Street | SalemGhostTours.com

The Witch House
20% off items in the gift shop
310 Essex Street | TheWitchHouse.org

Witch Pix
20% Off ALL Pix Plus Photo Shoots walk-in or book online: WitchPixofSalem.com/ATG
172 Essex Street | WitchPixofSalem.com
