
Salem Film Fest Announces Line Up and Events

Salem Film Fest, the largest international documentary film festival in Massachusetts, has announced its official selection of films for its fifteenth celebration of international documentaries. Over the years, it has presented subjects and filmmakers from all 7 continents. This year will be a hybrid format of in-person and virtual screenings, filmmaker Q&A, and events. It will take place in-person Thursday, March 24 to Sunday, March 27, followed by virtual programming Monday, March 28 through Sunday, April 3.

Q&A at The Peabody Essex Museum

Salem Film Fest will present 27 feature films and 4 shorts blocks and host 20 Filmmaker Q&As to accompany the in-person screenings. Films will be screened at the Peabody Essex Museum, the Cabot Theatre, and the “new” Cinema Salem. Four free events will also be offered featuring live music over 4 days. Additional free events include Mass Reality Check (a showcase for college shorts) and Keeping It Reel (a showcase of high school shorts).

During the in-person Fest, seven awards will be granted to winning filmmakers. The American Cinematographer Magazine Award winner receives a story in the prestigious industry magazine. The Special Jury Award winner and the Michael Sullivan Award for Documentary Journalism winner will each receive a $1,000 prize. The Fest culminates with an Audience Award determined by ballots cast by the audience. All award trophies are made by local artists.

Film Maker Receives Award Made by Local Artist

Salem Film Fest is a nonprofit; supported by grants, sponsors, and individual supporters. This year’s grant support comes from the Mass Cultural Council, Beverly Cultural Council, Peabody Cultural Council, Salem Cultural Council, and Salem Main Streets via the City of Salem and U.S. Economic Development Administration.

For more information and to buy tickets go to SalemFilmFest.com.

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