
Salem State Celebrates Earth Days Week, April 8-12, 2019

Salem State University is celebrating its 16th year of Earth Days Week events in 2019! This year’s theme “Sounding the Alarm on Climate Change: Critical Actions for a Livable planet,” was chosen to help spread the word about the effects of climate change and how we can work together to save the environment, and keep our planet livable for years to come.

Tim DeChristopher, world-renowned climate activist joins Salem State as this year’s Earth Days Week keynote speaker. DeChristopher was sentenced to two years in federal prison following an act of civil disobedience for working undercover as a bidder and outbidding an illegitimate Bureau of Land Management at an oil and gas auction in 2008. His bid stopped the bureau from purchasing parcels around national parks in Utah which led to his current recognition as an environmental activist. Salem State will also be presenting the documentary film Bidder 70, which shares his story, on Tuesday, April 9 in the Ellison Campus Center. DeChristopher’s keynote address  “Activism for the End Times” is scheduled for Thursday, April 11 also in the Ellison Campus Center. He will receive Salem State’s annual Friend of the Earth Award following his speaking engagement.

Earth Days Week will also include panel discussions, films, and additional events focused on climate change research, mitigation and potential solutions for today’s environmental issues. Salem State professors will be in attendance to provide insight into how we can work to lessen climate change, and additional events will include discussions on topics like the Green New Deal and the “Disconnected” art installation.

All Earth Days Week events are free and open to the public, and complete information is available here.

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